Acne medication best and food that clear acne

Many acne sufferers experience the same problems when dealing with their skin eruptions. Just when they think the problem is under control up pops another outbreak that destroys their clear complexion. This effect on the skin is mostly caused by expensive wonder cures that only deal with the results of the problem rather than the cause of the problem.
Did you know that you can have healthier skin if you exercise? We've all heard it over and over before, if you want to lose weight and lead a healthier, longer life, then in addition to eating a healthier diet, drinking plenty of water, you must also exercise regularly. But have you ever heard of having healthier skin through regular exercise?
Some ways to prevent the onslaught of acne is to follow a stringent regime in cleanliness and skin care. As oily skin is the first step to acne, so make sure that the skin is kept scrupulously clean. In the polluted atmosphere with all the dust and grime around us, it is advisable to use a mild face wash to clean up the skin every time you go out. Avoid heavy oily creams and cleansing milk as this will only block the pores more and create further problems. Natural ingredients which are found in your kitchen can help, like cucumber juice and rose water which will act as an astringent and close the pores. An acne cure that is based on all the factors that brings it on will be the only long lasting solution to this problem.
tags: clearasil ultra acne treatment cream,, getting rid of acne, severe acne