How to treat cystics acne and dry acne blackheads plugs

The acne bacteria, biologically known as propionobacterium acnes tend to grow and multiply the retained oil. The sebum acts as a source of nutrition for the bacteria. The bacteria release chemicals inside the pore. The chemicals work towards alerting and alluring white cells from the blood. This leads to inflammation. You can see inflammation on the skin in the form of pimples or zits.
The problem with your back is that it contains a lot of oil-producing glands that help to block up your pores. Although many people think back acne less of a problem than the more visible facial acne, it can be an unpleasant condition, especially if you like swimming and sunbathing a lot. So what causes back acne and what can be done about it?
Some people have Acne prone skins and they find it annoying. Some others have sensitive skins that react to the slightest irritation and they find it very inconveniencing. What do we then say of those that have a combination of both? Choosing an ideal treatment can be a great stress for these poor folks because whatever product they choose has to not only treat the acne condition, but has to do it mildly so as not to cause other problems. It is even much worse because their skins react unfavorably to some chemicals used int the treatment of Acne.
tags: top acne treatments, acne free clear skin treatments pockmark filler, face lotion for sensitive, acne prone skin