Use of tomato oil on skin care as anti acne

« ...3) Using wrong products - Acne can be caused by using the wrong skin care products or cosmetics. This is true especially if you use cold creams or heavy make up. Some people make the mistake of using heavy make up concealer to try to hide their pimples. This will eventually worsen the situation and cause a bigger breakout....
...Treatment works to reduce and prevent acne from returning through reducing sebum. Sebum is an oil inside the skin that may help produce acne if it is overproduced by a body. Treatment also includes removing dead skin cells, and killing bacteria. As stated before the treatment differs for the skin type. If skin happens to be oily for example, the best type of treatment would be an alcohol based solution because it helps to dry out the oils in the skin and reduce the amount of sebum. If skin is normal to oily some creams, foams or gels. The creams however, moisturizes better than some of the foams of gels that can be used for acne treatment. If skin happens to be dry, it may be best to try a treatment that will add moisture to the skin such as an ointment or a lotion based acne treatment. The ointments however, tend to be greasy, so if you choose to use this for a treatment option, use it sparingly....»
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«...Finally, possibly the most effective acne remedy especially if you have severe acne is a visit to your dermatologist. You can discuss your symptoms with him or her, and the times when your acne seems most active. Your dermatologist will be able to determine if more aggressive measures are needed such as prescriptions or other acne treatments....»
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tags: best natural acne treatment, benzoyl, how to get rid of acne fast and acne scars