Benzoyl peroxide free acne products

« ...There are many medications can be prescribed for the treatment of acne during pregnancy; some are for oral use others for local. Generally every medicine and therapy is contraindicated during the pregnancy and hence, acne and pregnancy is to be handled with care. While assessing the possible risks of the medications during pregnancy, the way medicine is given is important. Topical lotions and solutions are less systemically available as compared to the medicines taken orally, at last meaning that the unborn baby is exposed to less of the medicine....
...Although it is not easy to pin point a single cause for acne, there is a possibility that cosmetic may be a cause for acne in some young women. This is probably because the young skin may not be used to being covered with make up yet. This may in turn result in clogging and thus lead to acne breakouts....»
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«...So, the next question is, should I just give up? Or is there anything that can be done to prevent those scars or even get rid of them once they appear?...»
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tags: accutane acne medication, virgin coconut oil acne solve, treating acne during pregnancy