Simple and easy ways to clear acne fast for free

« ...You can find clay mask in your nearest health store. There are many kinds of clay mask on the market, but the best clay mask you can get is purified volcanoes' clay. But bear in mind that clay mask is not meant to be applied to frequently. You should use clay mask not more than three times a week....
...These drugs work within the body. Oral antibiotics are generally prescribed for a period of three years. These exterminate the bacteria that contribute to acne. However, they can even take many months to enhance the condition of skin. Erythromycin, tetracycline and minocycline are the most commonly prescribed antibiotics....»
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«...A simple Acne care routine would generally start with washing the skin. At this point, it would be necessary to point out that it is very important to know your skin type. Your choice of what to use for washing your skin would be influenced by your skin type as you would need something that would be mild on your skin type and would not irritate your skin. In washing your face, use lukewarm water and wash the whole face not excluding the jaw line and hair line. At most, wash twice a day ( morning and evening)....»
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tags: causes of acne, acne topical, cause for acne on adult female